Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stressed Beyond Belief

Hello Blog World.

Sooooo, I decided that I would start a blog again, other than my Tumblr, I haven't done any sort of online journal stuff since ninth grade sooooo....five years ago? Makes me feel old >.<

School is beyond stressing me out, so much to do and my procrastination/inability to stay focused is working against me. Good news...I turned in my Logo Redesign and Stationary Package (which was worth 100 extra credit points =D) Bad news...I still have to do my Website and put the Logo I redid into a flash animation. FML.

I need to get it together.

Oh, sorry for ranting so much up there. I suppose I should introduce myself now yes? Well. Hello, My name is Brooklyn. I'm 20 years old. I attend a private art college and I am majoring in Graphic Design. I absolutely love receiving mail and sending mail and what not so if anyone of you ever want to become Snail Mail friends I'd be all for it! :) Lets see, eventually when I'm finished with school (next year) I want to open my own store/tea house/gallery/small music venue-ish place. I'm so ready to just get on with my life and start doing what I REALLY want to do with the rest of my situation.

I'm a huge movie watcher/music snob. My all time favorite bands are Well Modest Mouse, Death Cab for Cutie, Brand New, Damien Rice, Opeth, Nasum, etc etc. I love hanging out with friends, painting, drawing, writing, singing and playing the guitarrr. I drink too much tea for my own good, I swear like a sailor (probably worse than one to be fair.) I'm sarcastic and blunt, and I'm going to apologize here if I offend any of you at any point through out my time here.

That's about it for now I believe.
<3 Brooklyn


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